Friday, May 30, 2014

Humble Pie

Howdy Y'all!  

I'm losing my mind!  I'm working on setting up a website, an etsy shop and renaming my business and blog.  I'm overwhelmed to say the least.

I've swallowed my pride and asked for help.  Yay me!

My awesome niece is going to meet with me!  Love you Melissa!

I am part of a Facebook group made up of people who've read Kelly Rae Roberts ( e-book Flying Lessons:  Creative Tips & Tricks to Help Your Creative Business Soar.

Within that group, Stephanie Cant (oh but yes she can!  LOL) has set up a separate page called Art 101:  Artists Supporting Artists where we encourage and challenge each other to be proactive in creating art and setting up our businesses.

Beginning tomorrow, some people in the group have committed to creating some form of art every day for 101 days!  Oy!  Not me.  I'm going to try one a week.  This way I will actually have inventory for my etsy shop.

Blech.  Humble Pie really doesn't taste all that good.

Until next time...

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Remembering an Old Friend

I'm really sad today and not much into writing a post.   So, this will be a brief post about an old freind who just passed away yesterday, way too young.

Harry, (the big guy in the middle), was a fun-loving, athletic guy back in our high school days.  We were part of the same group of freinds, made up mostly of the girls in my grade and their boyfriends in his.  We hung out and participated in all that is teenager-hood together.  He was a basketball player, I was a basketball cheerleader.  We partied on weekends and in later years attended each other's weddings.  Most of us remain in contact to this day, but not Harry.  Choices he made along the way, and  life circumstances, changed things as they so often do.

So it has been many years since I've seen or corresponded with Harry.  His life was not an easy one, but I sense that he tried hard, especially recently.  No matter what has transpired over time, he is still my old friend whom I am sad to hear has passed.

One of my fondest memories of Harry is when in high school we, and a few others, would skip a certain period and hang out in the Athletic Director's office.  We had a lot of laughs and fun in that office!   He and I also liked and exchanged our favorite quotes.  I kept them for several years.  I kinda wish I had them now.

Eric Clapton reminds me of Harry.  I'd heard him for the first time when we visited the guys their freshman year in college.

Eric Clapton Lay Down Sally

Rest in peace my friend.  Thanks for the memories.